The main idea revolves around integrating urban space with architectural space. This concept stems from the recognition that urban or public spaces accommodate a wide range of activities, while architectural spaces tend to impose limitations and prescribe certain activities. Additionally, it delves into exploring geometric configurations to foster spatial fluidity. Through a sequence of spaces, it challenges the boundaries between interior and exterior, openness and enclosure, and darkness and light.
Location: Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Design Year: 2017
Status: Master Thesis
Category: Cultural, Exhibition

Section C-C

—a mirror held to society’s restless gaze.

The voids intersect, creating unique spatial conditions. Essentially, primary spaces emerge from the convergence of various movements, where these intersections and outer layers manipulate natural light and spatial continuity. The grid system serves not only as a structural element but also as an organizing spatial framework. This spatial linkage extends both vertically and horizontally, maximizing the public zone and encouraging diverse interactions.

Narritive of the Envelop

The grid system implemented in the project aims to challenge and redefine conventional post-and-beam structures. Serving not merely as a structural element but also as the organizing spatial framework, it interconnects all micro-cells of the exhibition within a network of interwoven grids. This spatial linkage extends both vertically and horizontally, maximizing the public zone and encouraging diverse interactions between visitors and the space.