Due to its close proximity to the bustling metropolis of Tehran, the area around the project draws a significant influx of non-native cultures and domestic tourists on weekends. Consequently, these areas undergo a diverse social transformation during weekends, with numerous villas constructed to accommodate this influx often failing to harmonize with the local vernacular architecture, instead competing with indigenous patterns.
Location: Karaj, Iran
Design Year: 2017
Completed: 2019
Client: Hossein Tavanaei
Category: Villa

Ground Floor Plan

This project is a retroaction to the prominent architecture of new villas in the surrounding, using brown-colored stones (adopting the recent trend so called 'new classic' in building villas and not considering the surrounding context). Consequently, the project tries to distinguish itself by staying white, and gray, and using the least ornaments on the facade.

Street Views

First Floor Plan
